POOL HOURS:  6:00am - 9:00pm daily, accessible via electronic key fob.








runs from mid-May through end of June


Pool access is limited during swim team practices.  

The pool and pool deck areas are CLOSED to members during HOME swim meets (4pm-closing).  


What's swim team all about? CLICK HERE!


2024 Swim Team practices are held Mon-Fri 4:30pm-6:30pm Mon May 13th through Tues May 21st. Beginning May 23rd, practices will be in the MORNINGS Mon-Fri 8:00am-11:30am through the end of June.  Check the swim team calendar for more information.

  • Swim lanes are closed (occupied)
  • Shallow end is available unless swimming lessons are in session
  • Pavilion and pool deck on the shallow side is available


Email the swim team coordinator at hollyspringsclub.swimteam@gmail.com with any questions.





Holly Springs has partnered with the Marietta JETS to provide swim lessons to our community youth!  

Lessons will be held at the Holly Springs pool from June - September.

To view registration options, CLICK HERE!








  1. GATE:  All members and guests must use Key Fob when entering the pool area.  Do NOT open the gate for others.  The outer gate MUST be closed and locked at ALL TIMES - do NOT prop open the gate.  This is a county regulation.  The inner gate may be left open to allow convenient bathroom access from the pool, but should be closed when the last person leaves the pool.
  2. SEATING:  The pool deck provides open seating (first-come, first-served).  Pavilion tables may be reserved in advance for events/parties.
  3. YOUTH:  All youth under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult in the pool area.
  4. BABYSITTERS:  Babysitters must have prior approval from the Pool Chair.  Babysitters must be at least 16 years old and may babysit only ONE family.
  5. HEALTH:  No one with an open cut may enter the pool.  Do not swim if you have had diarrhea within the past 2 weeks.
  6. SWIM DIAPERS:  ALL children 3 and under (and any child who is not potty-trained) must wear snug-fitting plastic pants or a water resistant swim diaper.  Children under 3 are not allowed in the pool without an adult.  Any fecal contamination accidents MUST be reported to the lifeguard, a Board member, or the pool company IMMEDIATELY.
  7. NO ANIMALS are allowed in the pool or pool enclosure.  Service animals are allowed on the pool deck.



  1. FEES:  Holly Springs charges $5 per guest per visit.  Please place guest fees in the black drop-box on the wall near the entrance.  We now accept Venmo as a method of payment!
  2. MAX GUESTS:  The Primary/Adult member may sign in no more than six (6) guests without prior arrangement with the Pool Chair.  Child members are allowed a maximum of two (2) guests when the Primary/Adult member is not present.
  3. The Guest Policy is to serve personal guests of members, not for commercial uses or other group activities without prior approval of the Board of Directors.  This includes but is not limited to Day Camps, Scouting Activities, Religious or Social Organizations, and any other non-Club entities.  Lifeguard and Facility Fees will apply.
  4. Small parties (up to 20 people) can be scheduled with 2+ weeks' notice.  Go to MY ACCOUNT menu, then choose MY FORMS and select POOL PARTY to make a reservation.  Payment may be made online.



  1. NO GLASS is permitted inside the pool area.
  2. NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES in the pool.
  3. NO SMOKING OR VAPING is permitted inside the pool fence or in the area directly in front of the Clubhouse.  No smoking by anyone under the age of 18 is allowed on the property.
  4. All members and guests are required to CLEAN UP after themselves.
  5. Swim equipment must be approved by the lifeguard, and must not interfere with other members (eg., oversized floats, etc.).
  6. Only ONE PERSON AT A TIME is permitted on the diving board and ladders.
  7. SWIM ATTIRE required - no cut-offs or regular apparel is allowed in the pool.
  8. Leave the area around the pool steps and ladders clear for people entering and exiting the pool and for small children.
  9. GAME PLAY should not endanger or interfere with the enjoyment of others. WATER BALLS (beach balls or foam-wrapped "splash balls" that do not absorb water) are permitted. All other balls (including nerf balls) must remain OUTSIDE the gated pool area. Pool Volleyball will be limited to Adult Swim when lifeguards are present, and only utilize WATER BALLS for play.  
  10. CONDUCT:  Appropriate conduct is expected of all members and their guests.  Inappropriate conduct includes, but is not limited to, roughhousing, running, pushing, fighting, inappropriate language, excessive alcohol consumption, loud and disruptive behavior, playing loud music, or any behavior not consistent with a family atmosphere.  Video surveillance monitors Club property 24/7.  Vandalism will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
  11. ALCOHOL:  Consumption of alcohol is allowed; however, public intoxication is illegal and will not be tolerated.  A member of the Board of Directors should be notified and may ask a member to leave.  Failure to comply will result in a 911 call.  The consequences of such behavior may include suspension or expulsion from the Club.
  12. MUSIC/SPEAKERS:  Use of a small personal radio/speaker is allowed at low volume (under 60db) and must be tuned to a station that is appropriate for a family atmosphere.



  1. When a lifeguard is present, a safety break (also known as "Adult Swim") will be called with a whistle 15-20 minutes before a change in reservation time slot.  Only adults over 18 and children under 3 who are accompanied by adults are allowed in the pool during Adult Swim.
  2. The lifeguards are in charge of the pool and are required to enforce the rules.  All members, children, and guests will abide by the requests of the lifeguard.  Infractions by children may result in sitting out of the pool for increasing lengths of time, or expulsion from the pool for the day if repeated infractions occur.
  3. Infractions by adults or children may be referred to the Board of Directors for further action, pursuant to Article VI, Sections 7 and 8 of the By-Laws of the Club.
  4. The Lifeguard will announce that the pool is closing at 8:45pm.  All members and guests must vacate the pool area and grounds by 9:00pm.


The Club is not responsible for loss or damage of personal property.  

Do not bring personal property and/or valuables to the pool or tennis courts.  

Members, their dependents, or their guests have no claim against the Club for personal property and/or valuables that have been brought onto or left at the Club premises.